Exporter version: 5.6.4, Blender version: 2.79 (sub 0) ========= Conversion from Blender to Babylon.js ========= Scene settings used : export scope : ALL inline textures : false Positions Precision : 4 Normals Precision : 3 UVs Precision : 3 Vert Color Precision: 3 Mat Weight Precision: 2 texture directory : /media/bedrijf/3DAdventure/characters/Ninja/animations/ Python World class constructor completed WARNING: No active camera has been assigned, or is not in a currently selected Blender layer processing begun of skeleton: Armature, id: 0 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_Hips, index: 0 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_Spine, index: 1 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_Spine1, index: 2 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_Spine2, index: 3 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_Neck, index: 4 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_Head, index: 5 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_HeadTop_End, index: 6 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftShoulder, index: 7 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftArm, index: 8 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftForeArm, index: 9 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHand, index: 10 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandThumb1, index: 11 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandThumb2, index: 12 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandThumb3, index: 13 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandThumb4, index: 14 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandIndex1, index: 15 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandIndex2, index: 16 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandIndex3, index: 17 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandIndex4, index: 18 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandMiddle1, index: 19 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandMiddle2, index: 20 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandMiddle3, index: 21 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandMiddle4, index: 22 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandRing1, index: 23 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandRing2, index: 24 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandRing3, index: 25 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftHandRing4, index: 26 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightShoulder, index: 27 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightArm, index: 28 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightForeArm, index: 29 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHand, index: 30 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandThumb1, index: 31 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandThumb2, index: 32 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandThumb3, index: 33 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandThumb4, index: 34 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandIndex1, index: 35 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandIndex2, index: 36 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandIndex3, index: 37 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandIndex4, index: 38 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandMiddle1, index: 39 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandMiddle2, index: 40 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandMiddle3, index: 41 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandMiddle4, index: 42 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandRing1, index: 43 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandRing2, index: 44 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandRing3, index: 45 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightHandRing4, index: 46 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftUpLeg, index: 47 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftLeg, index: 48 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftFoot, index: 49 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftToeBase, index: 50 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_LeftToe_End, index: 51 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightUpLeg, index: 52 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightLeg, index: 53 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightFoot, index: 54 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightToeBase, index: 55 processing begun of bone: mixamorig_RightToe_End, index: 56 processing action walkSneak: in[0 - 21], out[0 - 21] processing begun of mesh: body WARNING: No materials have been assigned: num positions : 774 num normals : 774 num uvs : 0 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 4365 Skeleton stats: Total Influencers: 2072 Avg # of influencers per vertex: 2.677 Highest # of influencers observed: 7, num vertices with this: 6 exported as 7 influencers num skeletonWeights and skeletonIndices: 6192 WARNING: # of 0 area faces found: 10 ========= Writing of scene file started ========= ========= Writing of scene file completed ========= ========= end of processing ========= elapsed time: 0 min, 0.8205 secs